February 28, 2007 SE Kansas EF-4 Tornado
February 28, 2007 SE Kansas EF-4 Tornado
Last night I had by far one of my most successful storm chases. I had been making jokes about nighttime wedge tornadoes for weeks, but last night was no joke, it happened. We caught the storm near Colony, KS and saw a decent tornado as it was lifting up. We spotted the 1st tornado after hearing reports of it. We saw power flashes a couple miles to our east (near Colony). A very, very large lowering then came down after the tornado and lasted atleast 10 minutes atleast. As it moved eastwards, the tornadoe morphed into a stove pipe and other various shapes. After this one lifted is when it got crazy, and I got stupid and left then lens on my camera, but lucky for me everyone else's cameras got on video a very big wedge with satellite tornadoes circle around the wedge. We chased parallel to this storm all the way into MO by staying just to the south and out of its path. We got to about a mile away I bet at one point of the wedge, but spent most the time about 4 or 5 miles out from the from its path. Here are the pics. First 5 are mine, the 6th pic of the wedge, I borrowed from Curtis cause my video is all audio at that point.